Purpose, Types, and Procedure of Kidney Function Testing
Dr. Dinesh Patel
Discover the purpose, types, and procedure of kidney function testing. Learn how these tests help assess kidney health, detect issues early, and ensure proper treatment.

Purpose, Types, and Procedure of Kidney Function Testing
Kidneys perform a silent yet vital task of cleaning the body by discarding extra fluid and waste in the form of urine. So, when the kidneys fail to perform, these functions are hampered as well. It leads to the necessity of keeping a tab on the kidneys to trace any problems at the initial stage and act on them. Consult a trusted kidney specialist in Ahmedabad, who will diagnose the kidney function and guide the best treatment. Undergoing the test means finding out whether the kidneys are working well to filter urine and blood. This blog will throw some light on the importance of evaluating kidney health, especially if it is at risk.
Importance of Kidney Function Tests
Regular Kidney Function Tests are vital for maintaining overall health and identifying potential kidney problems early on. These are a few crucial reasons why they are vital
- Some health issues, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, influence how well the kidneys function. If you have one of these issues, you may have to take kidney function tests to monitor them.
- Regular testing helps track changes in kidney function over time.
- Finding it at an early stage allows for prompt treatment and will prevent further complications.
- Assess the current stage of chronic kidney disease.
- You may also need to go for these tests if You find blood in the urine Pain while urinating Constant urge to pee
Types Of Kidney Function Tests
A test is the only way to find out how well your kidneys are working. These tests assess the level of kidney damage. The test results help doctors evaluate the severity and type of damage to create personalized treatment accordingly. It is crucial to avail the proper treatment at the earliest from the best hospital for kidney treatment in India.
Blood Test: eGFR
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate –or eGFR is an index of how well your kidneys function. Your age, sex, body type, and results from a blood test are used to calculate your eGFR.
Blood Test: Serum Creatinine Test
Your blood contains a waste product produced by your muscles known as creatinine. The urine produced by healthy kidneys removes creatinine from the blood. The quantity of creatinine in your blood is found by a blood test, which also indicates your serum creatinine level. Your serum creatinine level rises when your kidneys are not functioning normal.
BUN - Blood Urea Nitrogen Test
Based on a blood test that counts the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood. Your blood urea nitrogen – BUN level is determined. Urea nitrogen is a waste product produced by your body during the breakdown of protein. Healthy kidneys remove urea nitrogen from your bloodstream. When your kidneys are not operating well, your BUN level rises.
Urine Test
During a urine test, a doctor looks at a small sample of your urine to check for signs of kidney disease or other conditions. Damage to your kidneys may cause the protein to pass into your urine. This could be one of the first pointers of kidney disease. These tests help doctors measure kidney function, the stage of kidney disease, and other health issues like UTI, etc.
Procedure For Kidney Function Testing
How Does A Kidney Urine Test Work?
You will have to do 24-hour urine testing at your home. Your doctor will give you a container to collect urine for a 24-hour urine test. On the test day, as usual, as soon as you wake up, urinate in the toilet. For the rest of the day and night, pee in the container. On day two, when you wake up, urinate in the container. Deliver your sample to the lab or doctor's clinic to finish the test.
How Does A Kidney Blood Test Work?
For a kidney blood test, you go to your doctor's clinic or laboratory to give a blood sample. A lab technician draws blood in a test tube using a tiny needle.
Understanding Test Results
Kidney function test results will notify you if your kidneys are functioning normally or not. Most tests look for two indicators
- GFR levels less than 60 may suggest kidney damage.
- A UACR or a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio of more than 30 mg/g may indicate kidney disease.
If a test reveals abnormal results, your doctor will share possible treatment options. You may be given medicine to control your blood pressure. It is best to consult the best nephrologist in Ahmedabad. The doctor may suggest more kidney function tests in the future as well if your test findings are abnormal. It will help your doctor to monitor your health and track any underlying health issues.
Kidney Function Tests check how well your kidneys are operating. In this way, doctors at Kidney care hospital in Ahmedabad can plan the best treatment based on the damage they see. Monitoring any deviations from normal with frequent tests, especially for those at risk of diabetes, helps for better disease control. Regular kidney function tests at the best hospital for kidney treatment will help you take control of your health today.