Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is one of the cancers that begins in the breast cells. It can arise in both women and men, but it is rarely found in men. During Breast Cancer, uncontrolled growth of cells occurs in the breast. Breast Cancers come in various forms. Types of Breast Cancer are determined by the cancerous cells that develop in the breast. This cancer generally starts in the ducts that bring milk to the nipple or the lobules that produce milk.

Breast Cancer can either be non-invasive or invasive. Invasive Breast Cancer means when the cancer has spread to adjacent tissue or other organs. Non-invasive Breast Cancer means it hasn’t broken out of the breast ducts. Breast Cancer risk factors include age, obesity, drinking beyond limits, a family history of Breast Cancer, radiation exposure, reproductive history, tobacco use, and postmenopausal hormone therapy.

There are several options for Breast Cancer treatment, like chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted drug therapy. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, results of lab tests, and whether or not the cancer has spread to other parts of your body, you will be given a treatment plan.

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Breast Cancer Treatments & Surgery

How Devasya Hospital Helps to Cure Breast Cancer?

Devasya Hospital provides the best treatment for Breast Cancer surgery using the latest techniques such as mastectomy and lumpectomy. We offer treatments based on extensive research and as per the health conditions of the patient. An operation called a mastectomy involves removing a breast. It is carried out considering the severity of the stage of cancer. On the other hand, Lumpectomy surgery aids in removing the tumor without causing harm to the breast tissues.

Our specialists carefully assess each case before suggesting a unique treatment plan. With a commitment to excellence, Devasya Hospital ensures that patients receive top-notch Breast Cancer treatment. Our comprehensive approach with innovative methods ensures the most effective cure for our patients. In the fight against Breast Cancer, we aim to achieve excellent results through thorough diagnosis and precise treatments. We ensure superior Breast Cancer management as we are committed to the best healthcare.


Breast Cancer develops when unusual breast cells grow and divide. While the exact cause isn't always clear, factors like genetics, age, gender, obesity, smoking, radiation exposure, and family history can lead to Breast Cancer.

Doctors will inspect your breasts and ask about your family and medical history. They will carry out a few tests like below to identify breast abnormalities.

  • Ultrasonography
  • Mammogram
  • PET Scan
  • MRI
  • Biopsy

Breast Cancer symptoms differ from person to person. Breast Cancer symptoms and signs may include:

  • A change in the size, shape, or form of breasts.
  • A lump or a mass that can be tiny as a pea.
  • A lump or bulge in your breasts, underarms, or around it that lasts the duration of your menstrual cycle.
  • A change in how your breast or nipple skin looks or feels.
  • Redness of the breast or nipple.
  • A firm round spot beneath the skin.
  • A nipple discharge that is either clear or tinged with blood.

The potential side effects of surgery vary according to the type of treatment and the cancer stage. Occupational therapy and Physical therapy can help manage the side effects of Breast Cancer treatment. Other factors to follow are as below

  • Manage weight
  • If hair loss is a concern, consider wearing wigs, scarves, or caps.
  • Engage in light exercises to boost energy, maintain muscle strength, and reduce stress.
  • Use moderate skincare steps to treat skin changes and stay out of the sun.
  • To cope with emotional issues seek support groups, friends, or therapists.
  • Plan your daily activities to save energy, and place a high priority on rest and sleep.
  • Be honest with your doctor about any negative effects you may experience. They can advise you and, if necessary, change your treatment course.

Complications from Breast Cancer treatment can vary depending on the type of treatment and personal factors. Some possible complications are as below:

  • Poor wound healing, bleeding, or wound infection.
  • Swelling and discomfort in the arms.
  • Severe fatigue that persists even after treatment.
  • Menopause or worsen menopausal symptoms.
  • Higher risk of osteoporosis.
  • Emotional turmoil
  • Cancer recurrence.

While Breast Cancer cannot be completely avoided, there are steps one may take to lower their chances of being diagnosed.

  • Routine mammograms should begin at age 35, followed by a screening mammography every year after 40 years.
  • After the age of 20, check your breasts every month.
  • Breastfeeding may offer some defense against Breast Cancer.
  • Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Weight within your BMI.
  • If you have a history of Breast Cancer in your family, getting checked can be a good idea.

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