The Most Common Types of Cancer in India
Dr. Dinesh Patel
the most common types of cancer in India, their risk factors, symptoms, and prevention methods. Stay informed to promote early detection and better health.

Unfortunately, Cancer is becoming more prevalent in our country. With our changing lifestyles and growing population, Cancer seems to be on the rise. While there are various types of Cancer, there are a few of them that are most common in India. Cervical and Breast Cancer – are the most prominent ones among women in India. And, in men – Mouth and lung Cancer tops the list – mostly due to tobacco chewing and smoking.
Sadly, many Indians are diagnosed with Cancer at late stages, when it is much more challenging to cure it. Increasing awareness and early screening at the best Cancer hospital will make a world of difference. However, there is some good news: Cancer survival rates are improving. So, while Cancer remains a big health risk, there is hope through wise lifestyle choices and medical developments. The key is to identify it early!
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer is the leading cause of Cancer deaths in Indian men, linked to high smoking rates. Lung Cancer is caused by excessive cell division in the lungs. Normally - the cells divide and replicate themselves. However, they may experience changes that cause them to make more of themselves when they should not. Damaged cells divide out of control, forming lumps, or tumors, of tissue that eventually prevent your organs from functioning normally. Some symptoms are
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Persistent coughing
- Tiredness
- Shoulder pain
- Swelling in arms, neck, and face.
Quitting smoking and getting screened at the best hospital for Cancer treatment will help detect lung Cancer early.
Oral Cancer
Indian men are also prone to mouth Cancer, which is often linked to tobacco chewing. Mouth Cancer or Oral Cancer is a general term for any Cancer that affects the inside of the mouth. In recent years, there has been a gradual rise in mouth cancer in women too. Some symptoms are as
- White spots or bleeding sores on the lips or in the mouth
- Crusty areas near the lips, gums, or inside the mouth
- Changes in speech
- Loose teeth
- Numbness or bleeding in the mouth
- Patches on the tongue
People with habits of smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, HPV, a family history of oral Cancer, and chewing tobacco are prone to developing oral Cancer. What is vital here is an early identification of any preCancerous cells in the lining of the mouth. Now, this is done by the dentist or the best oncologist doctor in Ahmedabad for biopsies and treatments.
Breast Cancer
In Indian megacities like Mumbai and Delhi, breast Cancer is now the number 1 Cancer in women. It occurs when Cancer-causing cells in the breasts grow into tumors. Some breast Cancer symptoms are very unique. Others may appear to be parts of the breast that are noticeably different from the rest. However, it may not cause any apparent signs, either. But when it does, they are as
- A variation in the size, shape, or contour of the breast.
- A tumor or lump that can feel as little as a pea.
- A solid, marble-like area beneath your skin.
- A lump, or swelling that stays through the menstrual cycle in the breast area or under the arms.
It may be caused due to age, gender, family history, smoking, genetics, obesity, etc. Self-exams and annual mammograms after 40 are best to identify this Cancer at the early stages. The Best hospital for Breast cancer may also carry out tests like Breast biopsy, breast ultrasound, genetic tests, and others.
Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer starts on the surface of the cervix. It occurs when the cells in the cervix begin to transform into precancerous cells. Now, the cervix is the lowest section of the uterus. It links the uterus to the opening of the vagina. It is coated in tissues made up of cells. These healthy cells can develop into precancerous cells. Early stages of cervical Cancer are often without symptoms and tough to identify. Some symptoms are
- bloody or watery vaginal discharge
- maybe with a bad smell
- vaginal bleeding
- the menstrual period may last longer than normal and heavier
- blood in urine
- Pain while urinating.
The sexually transmitted virus HPV is the primary cause of cervical Cancer. HPV spreads through sexual contact and can cause Cancer. Get regular Pap tests and see the best oncologist doctor in Ahmedabad if any abnormal results. India’s top Cancer hospitals have skilled OB-GYN specialists to treat this.
Early Detection is Key
Compared to other countries - Cancer is diagnosed at a later stage in India. However, with early detection, the prospects are much better across all types of Cancers. If you find any symptoms and have a family history, share all these details with your doctor. Do not ignore annual checkups. The crux is detecting Cancer in its initial stages – Stage 1 or 2, before it spreads, leading to a successful treatment and higher survival rates.
Conclusion: There is Hope
While Cancer has unfortunately grown more common in India, there is still a reason for hope. Throughout the last few years, the Indian healthcare industry has made great progress in the fight against Cancer. India has many excellent Cancer care hospitals with cutting-edge technology, research, and empathetic care. Oncologists work tirelessly to heal patients using surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and more. Finding Cancer early and getting it treated at Devasya Hospital - the best hospital for Cancer treatment, can help patients. There is hope, so be mindful of your health.